This blog is dedicated to our special furbaby girl, Lucy.
Lucy has always been helping her Mummy doing home boarding, Lucys calming nature and playfulness at times always helps settle our little guests staying with us at Fern Villa. So with Lucy being the perfect host with her Mummy this was Lucy's 1st holiday away and the entire holiday was based entirely around fun times all for Lucy.
Lucy's human Mummy & Daddy just carried the bags and had to do lots and lots of walking (very fast) for excited Lucy, Oh and to take lots of photos of Lucy's days out for her special blog.
Mummy & Daddy love Lucy very, very much .... x
***The photo comments are in Lucy's own words :-)
Yippee we are on our way
Glad my teddy is with me
We are staying at a lovely guest house, which LOVES dogs..
I'm loving exploring their secure private garden.
Mummy & Daddy are having breakfast and Liz & Phil the owners makes me a yummy sausage.
Love this decking. And watching all the bird on feeders.
My happy face... its my 1st day of holiday :-)
A day out at Cragside Manor. . Splendid
Ohhh need to explore everything. . Haha
Owl Tree
Yippee. .. love it here... x
Oh boy, I'm loving this.....
Fun .. Fun. . And even more fun
Love Mummy more than Daddy ... LOL
Come on Oldies, follow me....
Yep, follow me up here... he he he
It's soooo beautiful here...
If I give my puppy eyed look I will get a treat.
Yep it worked.... ha ha.
Much more exploring.
Been walking for miles, it's BRILL
Want to go on holiday every day I think, lol
I can walk all day... love it.
Love it here
Yep mummy and daddy are keeping up. Dad is breathing loud as he walks... :-)
Time for a sit down and quick drink I think.
More walking, I wonder if my mummy & Daddy will run with me?
Nope they are not running .. but we are miles away now anyway.
It's lovely here
Got to explore everywhere
More to explore
Wow a wizard in the woods.
It's like Harry Potter here with the wizard. :)
Which way shall I go...
Down here, really fast...
Back at B&B and happy happy dreams.
(I'm shattered) but very happy.
Another new morning on holiday, I'm in the wonderful garden of the best B&B in the world @6atdruridgebay
Mummy is freaking out going across the sea to Holy Island. ... lol
A road in middle of the sea... amazing.
Yep Mummy isn't happy that the road is filling up with the sea!
Phew! Back on dry land and another fab beach to explore.
Me think it's time to be daft ...... yippee
Love it here :)
Been walking for hours, brill
Wow an even bigger beach.... look at that :)
Even though I'm 4 years old, put some sand under my paws and I become a daft puppy again.... x
Nothing finer, beach, sea, and my ears blowing in the wind.
Daft... Fun. ... Playtime (love it, love it)
Super duper
I'm running faster than the wind......
Want one of these in my back garden :)
No worms ... how strange!
I love the breeze, the scents/smells reach my nose much faster.
Mummy has just told me we are going to a castle.
I still love Mummy more than Daddy ... lol
Follow me folks.
Regardless of a nice path nearby, I much prefer to drag my humans over these rocks :)
Yep, want some of these in my garden as well.
Amazing, big white birds keep flying around us.
This is every dogs best holiday in the world.
Looks amazing, my ears won't stay still with this strong sea breeze :)
Think this must be the Dunborguh Castle Mummy had mentioned.
New day... yippee. .. today I'm exploring Willington Hall. .... Mummy says I cannot eat bones... arghhhh that's a shame.
Down here looks good
I love making my humans walk faster.
looks like my poor Daddy needs a sit down :)
No resting time - when exploring is to be done.
I'm sure I saw a rabbit
Picked up a scent of something good here.
Loads of places to explore.
All these National Trust places are fantastic.
Fish.... now that's something I don't see often.
Wonder what's in here?
Wonder what's up here?
Love this I can go anywhere. .
Now that is a big bird?
I'm sooooo happy.
We have just gone to this beach, two fabulous places in one day!
Think it's time to be daft again, fun, fun and fun
Empty beaches, loads to explore.
This is our last holiday day :-(
But I'm still going to have stacks of fun. Today we are going to Hadrian's Wall.
Long brill walk to the wall :)
Loads to explore on the way:) Daddy is moaning to Mummy about another hill he has to walk up. Mummy laughs at him. Lol. :)
Wonderful sights, if I ever stopped sniffing the floor that is LOL

we are finally there. .
That's the wall
I prefer to have a good sniff and explore
Not missing a thing
I have caught scent of a rabbit hiding under the rocks. It ran away.... I must find it now....
I'm sure it went this way?
It ran down here somewhere for sure.
Must find it
Still looking for that rabbit
I know it's somewhere near
I'm gorgeous
Yippee. .. found it ... its under here
It's sending me daft and making my humans dizzy trying to keep up with me...
Nope not here
Not here either
Bet it's hiding, oh dear it's time to go home now. What a perfect holiday I have had.
Back home now, I'm so tired now, although my holiday has ended another one is just beginning as my doggy friends will be returning here for their doggy holidays. My holidays in one respect never end.
Looking forward to my friends arriving and it's playtime all over again. .. yippee :-)
...p.s: I love my Daddy really..... :) x