Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Chicco's Holiday Fun Time

This blog is dedicated to the owner of Chicco,

Chicco was such a pleasure to have around on his Doggy Holiday and he made lots of new friends and enjoyed playing, playing and even more playing.

Check out all the photo's below and see Chicco having fun.

Chicco looking for his friends

Chicco's friends, another chihuahua called Tiny and Playful CaviPoo called Oscar  


Chicco and all his holiday friends

Awww look how he's laid, lol

Archie and Chicco

Chicco and Judy

Chicco loved all his doggy friends very much

Another new friend call Blossom

Lucy, Oscar and Chocco all playing chase me for a teddy

Chicco is chasing all the dogs and forgot who has the teddy, lol

poor teddy, lol

teddy, balls, footballs you name it, its PLAY TIME.....

Chicco LOVED his holiday and Lucy and friends hope to see him soon on his next holiday.
Sending Chicco all our love
Hope to see little Chicco on his next holiday
Give Chicco a big kiss from all of us at Fern Villa

To check out the latest REFERENCES; please visit <click here>
For DETAILS of Fern Villa, Home Boarding: please visit <click here>